Levi De Keyrel Featured in same article as Jett Lawrance and Chase Sexton:
One week after his perfect overall-win tally came to an end, CRF250R-mounted Jett Lawrence @jettson18 posted a flawless 1-1 victory at the Southwick, Massachusetts, round of the AMA Pro Motocross series, retaking the lead in the 250 class title chase. In the 450 division, Jett’s Honda HRC teammate Chase Sexton @chasesexton shrugged off so-so starts to turn in a pair of second-place results and keep the red plate on his CRF450R.
@hondaracingcorporation #hondaracingcorporation
//World Trials//
Toni Bou @tonibou pulled off a resounding triumph at the German TrialGP round, dominating both laps from start to finish on day 1. On day 2, Bou finished the first lap in second position and managed to minimize the mistakes. Bou strengthens his lead, with a total of 114 points.
@hondaracingcorporation #hondaracingcorporation
Raceco-USA-backed Levi Dekeyrel @levidekeyrel53 scored second overall in Outlaw Expert and eighth overall in Stock Expert at the fifth round of the Texas Outlaw Series held at Oak Hill Raceway in Decatur, Texas.
Outlaw Racing Series Rounds 5 & 6 ( May 13-15 )
Lots of people were upset to hear this one but for us it was a blessing from
GOD. The company that we hired to fix my engine did get it back to us.
They said that even with the extra 3-½ weeks that they had. They still did
not have time to do the work they were hired to do. Long story short. It is in
my Honda Talon but does not shift. It is at Progressive Powersports now
And Dave the technician is going through it to figure out the issue. After
that it will go to Erik at PPEI to get a tune in it so I can get some testing in.
In the meantime I have been doing my training and racing motocross to
stay in shape.
Also pitting in the time on the simulator in a Pro 4, Pro 2, F4 and
Lamborghini. Thank You to all my Sponsor for your support and
GOD, Progressive Powersports, RaceCo USA, PPEI,
Double E Racing, Maxxis Tires, Keizer Wheels, HMF, SSI Decals,
ALPINESTARS, Bell Racing, PCI Radio’s, Motive Engineering, MPI,
Antigravity Batteries, Aim Data, OGIO, Southern Adrenaline
Levi De Keyrel #53
Rounds 3 and 4: ( 4-10-2022 )
A huge let down to my sponsors.
This is yet another tough race write up to write as we did not make it to
rounds 3 and 4 of the Texas OutLaw Series…… But we did go racing.
Everyone pushed hard to make it happen but parts supplies held
things up for us to get everything back together. George at Double E
Racing offered up his back up car to use. My dad and I talked it over and
decide we just could not risk something happening to his car also and
having the cost to fix it on top of this. So we regroup to make the most of
the weekend. As some of you may or maynot know. My brother Mason
moved to Bentonville AR. To work for The Ride Series a Mountain Bike
Coaching Team. Mason was going to be back in McKinney Texas for a
clinic. So Saturday night we drove up to meet up with him for dinner.
It was great to see Mason again and get to see Rich. ( His Boss )
My dad made the long drive home as it was late and I slept in the back. We
got home and everything was already loaded in the truck to leaving early to
head out racing. I got up and again went back to sleep in the back seat as
my dad drove. I woke up at the track ready to go racing.
As we always try to make the most of every weekend and get exposure for
our AMAZING sponsors who support what I love to do. We hit up a
Motocross race at IronDog MX. I had only been here one time before. I
suited up in my FXR gear, Alpinestars boots and Bell Helmet to get out and
I race a 2022 Yamaha YZ85 in the 85cc 12 -15 and 85cc Open class.
I am still learning and progressing as I just started riding in March of 2021.
I rode a PW 50 when I was 3 and then did not ride again till then. So last
year I got a Honda CRF 110 from Progressive Power Sports. Then moved
to a Yamaha YZ65 and started racing. I aged out of the 65cc class so
moved up to the 85. Loving learning to ride and race on my Yamaha YZ85.
Now that you are up to speed on me. It was time to go racing.
The largest classes for the weekend were the 85cc class which was
awesome to see. In the 85cc 12 -15 class I went 7- 6 for 7th overall and in
the 85cc open class 11 – 8 for 9th overall. Had so much fun, continued
to progress and keep learning but so ready to get back in my Honda Talon
1000R to see how I can do in the Expert Class with the Outlaw Racing
Thank You to all my Sponsors for sticking with me.
GOD, Progressive Powersports, RaceCo USA, PPEI,
Double E Racing, Maxxis Tires, Keizer Wheels, HMF, SSI Decals,
ALPINESTARS, Bell Racing, PCI Radio’s, Motive Engineering, MPI,
Antigravity Batteries, Aim Data, OGIO, Southern Adrenaline
Levi De Keyrel #53
My other brother was at COTA for MotoGP.
WE RACE……………
Texas Outlaw Series Round 1 and 2: March 5 and 6 2022
This is one of the hardest race recaps I have had to write. I feel like even
with all the work and effort myself and the team put in. We still let my
sponsors down.
The weekend started with leaving the house early Friday Morning to set up
and get ready for practice. We shot a quick video to let everyone know we
were at the race and ready for the weekend. Practice started and I jumped
on track and was ready.
The plan was to run in Automatic mode the first two laps to just get used to
driving again and then go to Manual mode and start pushing. I came
around to start my third lap of this new and super fun track that Brian with
the Outlaw Racing series had built. There is a little roller into a corner right
at the finish so you try not to get too much air. I went off the roller and I
think the transmission lost itself in the air. I came down and it locked up for
a second and went into neutral. I thought at first I blew it up. I was looking
ahead and was just getting ready to run some laps with Jacob and Kory
from PPEI. My dad is telling me to go and get with them on the radio.
I told him it would not go. Was blown up. He asked me if it revved up. I
check and said yep. He said then it’s not blown up. He had me put it into
park and shut it all down. Then restart it. Still would not find gear. I got
towed back to our pit area and we tried to relearn the transmission two
times. Curtis and Cross Kirchmeier helped us and we could not get it to go
into any gear. I went over and talked with PPEI. Kory and Jacob came over.
We tried to relearn the transmission again but it was stuck. Seamed as
though a shift fork had bent.
So much time and preparation has gone into this Honda Talon for this
season to make the jump up to Stock Expert and Outlaw Expert
(Turbo Class) We Lightened the car as much as we could. PPEI had lots of
time into it on the dyno. We had tested different fuels. ALPINESTARS,
RaceCo USA, Keizer Wheels and MPI were all new sponsor that came
aboard for this season. So I really feel like I let them down.
We did not even stay and watch. We loaded up and head back to the shop
Friday night and got to work pulling the engine out. It was a huge job. Now I
know why insurance companies total so many of them out. Lots of hours.
We started calling around to see who could help in a pinch and give us a
fast turn around. The motor shipped out to CA and should start the rebuild
process on Monday. Thank You to TurnKey Industries for helping with
getting it ready and shipping it out.
Thank You to the following sponsors for believing in me and for your
support. GOD has a plan and we will continue to put the work in and give
him all the glory.
GOD, Progressive Powersports, RaceCo USA, PPEI, †Double E Racing, Maxxis Tires, Keizer Wheels, HMF, SSI
Decals, †ALPINESTARS, Bell Racing, PCI Radio’s, Motive Engineering, ††Antigravity Batteries, Aim Data, OGIO
† Levi De Keyrel #53
Levi De Keyrel is the: 2021 Outlaw Racing Series 1000 AM STK and 1000 AM LTD Champion.
Round 10/11 11/ 5-8/ 2021
Friday morning we left the house at 5:00 am to be able to get to Texplex
for Morning practice. My dad drove and I got in and went straight back to
bed. I woke up when we pulled in to get some Chick-fil a for breakfast right
before we pulled into the track.
When we pulled in we were not prepared for what we saw. No one could
get into the paddock because of all the mud. The Lindamood Demolition
crew was hard at work with a big payloader and a vibrating roller. They
worked non stop all day to make sure everyone could get to their pit spots.
We got in about 11:00 and set up the pit and got ready for practice. We
waited till the 5:00 practice and decided it was still to wet and decide to wait
till morning.
We rolled into the track at 6:30 am on Saturday to make sure I was able to
get the full ½ hour session in starting at 7:45. We had made some changes
to my Honda Talon 1000R and they were feeling really good. After practice
we had the drivers meeting at 8:30 and then straight into racing. I was race
2 and 6 for the day. First up was the 1000 AM LTD Class.
I lined up about in the center on the start to give me the option of outside
or inside in the first turn split lane. The outside was a little faster but I
wanted the option incase of a poor jump on my part. I went into the first turn
in 5th and the first 4 went outside. So I dove into the inside line to try to
make it happen. I came out in third and started to push. Jaden was in first
and starting to pull away. Kaden Isabella and I were pushing hard to real
him back in. When we started to get closer he spun a little and we got right
up on him. We were all running together and Kaden rear hub broke and his
wheel went flying off. I avoided hitting him and was up into 2nd. Jaden
made a mistake and hooked a wheel and rolled his car putting me into the
lead. I continued to push to see how fast of lap time I could run. I am
always comparing to see how I stack up against the Experts. It was great to
get the win in my first race of the day and it was also the first time my
Brother Kaleb and My Mom have seen me race.
Next up for me was race 6 the 1000 AM STK class. I already had the
championship locked up in this class. So I decided to give the other
competitors a chance at the win. I sat at the line until the Expert Womens
class was almost coming around. ( They were the first drop and we were
the third ) I worked on my start and then pushed to see how fast of lap I
could run. I ran hard for two laps and then back off to make sure I did not
get in the mix of anything.
There was a short intermission and I was back up for the 1000 AM LTD
class. I was going to need to be driving great as there are a lot of fast guys
in this class. I decided to not do launch control on the start and just foot it. I
got a great jump and was into 2nd. Jaden was leading and Kaden was right
behind me. We ran hard all race and that is just how we finished. 2nd was
enough to give me the overall and stretch my small one point lead in the
championship to 6.
In the 1000 AM STK class I again just focused on lap times and stayed out
of the race.
We cleaned everything up and my brother headed home and we went to
the hotel.
Sunday morning the hotel clock was off by an hour as it did not change for
the time change. For about a minute we thought we were running late then
my dad looked at his phone.
There was a sight lap to see the track changes and races started at 7:30.
Sunday I was race 3 and 6. First up for me was the 1000 AM LTD class.
Jaden got the holeshot, Kaden was in second, Briar was in third and I was
in 4th. We were all running neck and neck. I was trying to put the pass on
Briar and Jaden’s wheel went flying off. It was not a good weekend for the
RS1 drivers in my class. We all had to check up and Briar got a good jump
on me. I realed him back in and was not able to make the pass and finished
In the 1000 AM STK I again worked on lap times and did not get in the mix
of things.
I needed one more good race to wrap up the championship in the 1000 AM
LTD class. It was go time. I remembered Erik Fontenot from PPEI saying
that launch control works awesome on the black top. When I got up to the
starting line I picked a spot that was total blue groove. I got a great jump
and was in second placing going into the first turn. Kaden and Briar went
outside and I got shuffled back to 3rd. Kaden was gone and Briar and I
had nothing for him. Briar and I battled all race It came down to the final
corner and he just beat me out. I finished third in the race but it was enough
to get the championship.
I still had race 6 the 1000 AM STK class to go. This time my dad had me
wait till they were coming over the hill before he let me go and I had to drive
in Manual mode all race and try to stay ahead of them. I had drove a little in
full manual mode but not a lot. It was so much fun.
We loaded everything up and it was time to head to the banquet.
Brian Adkison the owner of Outlaw Racing Series had a great Nacho bar
for everyone and it was time for the awards.
1000 AM STK
1000 AM LTD
None of this would have been possible first of without Brian Adkison
taking over the series and keeping it going. He really has done an amazing
job this year giving us a great series to race.
My personal sponsors who got behind a kid that had never driven a SXS
Progressive Power Sports: Bobby, Mike, David, David and Quin
Jsport SXS: Adam and Jeff
PPEI: Kory, Erik, Jacob and the rest of the guys
SSI Decals: Ian
Double E Racing: George
Maxxis Tires: Dean, Rick, Dave, Mike
Method Race Wheels: Steven
Bell Racing: Tim
Axcel Sports: John
HMF: Brian
PCI Radios: Brandon
Sparco: Chris
Motive Engineering: Zane
ABF: Aaron
Thank You. Looking Forward to the 2022 season
Texplex Round ( 10-23-2021 )
The weekend started off with the 3 hour drive to Texplex Park on Friday for
practice. We were able to get 3 good rounds in and I had a blast. We
washed my Progressive Powersports Honda Talon 1000 R all up and put
on a fresh set of Maxxis SC-1 tires for race day. It is awesome have Dave
at the track to help and for rider support for Maxxis Tires. Great to have
Maxxis and Double E Racing supporting the series and being at the events.
Saturday Morning started off with a fully prepped and full water track for
practice. Brian and his crew had done an amazing job of getting the track
ready. Thank You to Brian, Blake and the Lindamood crew for all their hard
work on the track prep.
After practice it was time for the riders meeting with Brian and Tex. If you
have not heard one of Tex ( Octane Media ) Riders Meetings please look it
up on social media. He kills it all day long and with his riders meetings.
Brian brought up for everyone to be wearing their fire suits and gloves all
time when on track. Including practice. Thank You to Axcel Sports and Bell
Helmets for keeping me protected this entire season. Grateful for them.
My first race up was Race 2 The 1000 LTD 12+ class. They had me lined
up in position 1 all the way left. I got a great jump and was forced to take
the outside option in turn one. It worked out and I came out in 4th. I made a
quick pass into 3rd and started to push. 1st and 2nd we already starting to
pull away and I drove as hard as I could but had nothing for them. They
had more pace than me. I finished the race in 3rd.
My next race was race 6 1000 STK 12+. Again I was lined up all the way to
the left in slot 1. We were the third drop as the Women’s Experts and
Women’s Amateurs dropped before us. They held us for a really long time.
The Experts were almost coming around before we dropped. I got the
holeshot and was out front. I pushed as hard as I could trying to drop my
lap time and improve for my next LTD race. I had clear track most of the
race as I only caught a couple of the girls in the amateur class. I was a fun
race and I was able to really work on hitting my marks and try to improve
my lap times. I was able to find 2 seconds on the track in that race.
After that race we would have a couple more races and then a lunch break
before I would be up again. So I decided to take advantage of the Electric
SXS David from Progressive had dropped off as a pit vehicle. We eat some
MR. JIM’s Pizza and we’re ready to get back to racing.
The start of the second LTD was a mess. One drive jumped the start. Then
the flagger threw the flag. I got a terrible start as some went on the flag
some went when the driver jumped etc. I was in about 6th and just started
passing. I knew I needed to get to the front quickly if I was going to win. I
was up to 3rd by the end of the first lap. Worked my way into second and
was pushing the chance down first. I came into a corn and got hit hard in
the back and pushed wide. This put me back into third. That is where I
finished for the race and for the overall in the 1000 LTD 12+ class for the

( Photo Credit Harlen Foley)
The last race of the day for me was the 1000 STK 12+ class. We were
again the third drop but the starter did not hold us as long. I got a great
jump and was in full attack mode to try and catch the women’s class
competitors in front of me. I was able to keep second behind me and pass
all the amateur womens class before the checkers flag. It was such a fun
day and a great track. Can’t wait to do it all over again in two weeks. I
ended up going 3-3 in the LTD class and 1-1 in the STK class.
Thank You to my Sponsors for making it possible: GOD, Progressive
Powersports, Jsportsxs, PPEI, FOX, Double E Racing, Maxxis Tires,
Method Wheels, Bell Racing, Tagger Designs, Axcel Sport, SSI
Decals, HMF, PCI Radio’s, Sparco, Motive Engineering
Check out www.DeKeyrelRacing.com
Instagram: De_Keyrel_Racing , LeviTripp53
Championship Points with one double header round to go:
Overcoming one heck of a rough week in Italy:
Kaleb De Keyrel gets the invite of a dream by Aprilia to come to Italy and do a wild card ride at the last round of the Trofeo Cup at Vallelunga Circuit in Campagnano di Roma, Italy. Everything is booked and they are ready to go.
Monday: Kaleb and Marissa get dropped off at the Houston Airport. Their flight is from Houston to Rome, Italy with a layover in Frankfurt, Germany.
Eric Vallarta (owner of Velocity Calibrations, and Kaleb’s 2021 suspension guy) was flying from Missouri to Chicago, then to Rome, Italy. This is where the story starts to take a turn for the worst. Eric’s PCR test did not come back in time for him to board the plane so Eric was forced to take a flight the next day after his results came in.
Tuesday: Kaleb and Marissa landed on time and decided to go see tour Rome, eat lunch, then go check into the hotel. Eric boarded his plane in Missouri.
Wednesday: In the morning they went to the airport and picked Eric up and were set to head to the track. They had a few hours before they had to be to the track so Eric wanted to see Rome quick. They parked the rental car and took off. When they got back to the rental car, the window was busted out and everything they owned was gone. Clothes, gear, passports, cash, computers, iPads, camera and camera equipment, etc. Everything but what they were wearing. (The thieves did leave Kaleb’s backpack and one helmet bag)
Instead of heading to the track for track walk, they headed to the police station. The first station they went to, no one spoke English and they were busy booking an inmate. They were told to go to another station. They filed a report and were told it happens all the time and there’s nothing they can do. They then headed to the track to finish the day.
Thursday: Erik and Marissa dropped Kaleb off at the track for practice. They headed to the US Embassy to try to get temporary passports to be able to get back home. Kaleb was able to get two sessions in and had never even walked the track.
Friday: Erik and Marissa were able to get their passports but not Kaleb’s. So they headed back to the US Embassy to get Kaleb a temp passport, forcing him to miss a practice session on track. Kaleb did the final practice of the day and they headed back to the hotel. At this point you are most likely wondering where Kaleb was able to get gear and how he was even riding? Kaleb was wearing Tomasso Marcon’s back up gear and the helmet that the thieves did not steal.
Saturday: Qualifying day. Q1 was their first session on track and Aprilia had put the USA Livery on Kaleb’s bike for pictures to do the announcement Sunday. He was already trying to get the feel for the tires and now he really did not want to push and crash. He rode conservative and was in 11th after qualifying 1. Aprilia removed the USA Livery for Q2 and Kaleb was set to push. He gave it everything he had and was in 7th for the session but 9th with the overall.
Sunday: The race was at 12:15 but they were running a little behind, as in the race before a rider had dumped oil all over a section of the track. The safety crew did a quick clean up on the oil and they were ready to race. Kaleb lined up 9th and knew he needed to get a great jump on the start. The light lit up and then went out again and Kaleb launched. He rocketed up into third place and passed a rider going into second in the first turn. By the second corner he was in the lead. They were coming into the corner where the oil was laid down and Kaleb had to drive it in deep to keep the lead. He hit the oil and almost went down. This put him into 4th. He pushed straight back up into second and in the next left hand turn his rear tire let go on him, throwing him into a highside. His race was over. His rear tire had oil on it and caused it to lose traction. He was so disappointed that he could not do more with this opportunity that Aprilia gave him. They thanked everyone from Aprilia, BK Corse, and the CIV and headed to a hotel by the Airport for a flight on Monday. That night Marissa got a text that her SIM was changing phones and then lost all internet connection. After trying to reach ATT, there was nothing being done about it until she got home to the US.
Monday: They get to the airport for their first flight home. This flight took off late, due to weather at Frankfurt, making the arrival for their connection very close to the departure time from Frankfurt to Houston. They got to the gate and the attendant asked if they were flying to Moscow. They said no, Houston. She said that is back through customs and on the other end of the airport. “What are your names? You better hurry and I will call the gate and let them know you are coming.” said the gate attendant. After rushing to the front of all the lines for passport check, they get to the gate and they closed the doors behind them. With Marissa’s phone no longer working. Kaleb pays for the in flight wifi to text home and line up a ride from the airport. It lasted about a ½ hour and then it quit working. They landed on time at the Houston airport. They are going through customs and they pull Kaleb off to the side because of his temporary passport. He is questioned and then let go. They get in the car to find out the thieves are hacking into bank accounts, financial investments, etc and Marissa still does not have a phone that works. They leave the airport and head straight to AT&T to try to get Marissa’s phone working. The thieves have changed her passwords and have her SIM card still working even after she had locked the account. The first AT&T store says your account is locked and I can not access it. You need to go to a corporate AT&T store. They drive to a corporate AT&T store and they try but say we cannot do anything because you have the fraud lock on your account. Marissa asked the gentleman, “Then how are the thieves still using the SIM they accessed and stole.” The gentleman at the store had her call the fraud department back. They explained the situation and had to remove the fraud alert from the account to get her phone on another SIM. They got her phone working and the gentleman at the store told her to call and put the fraud alert back right away and put the block back on the account so they could watch for suspicious activity. Marissa called on the way home and had it put back on. They no longer pulled into the driveway and she was getting text messages that they were trying to activate a different SIM on her account. This is going to be the amazing trip of a lifetime that will never end……… But not in a good way.
All things considered. These two did an amazing job at this race. Job well done.
(Note: They were to leave for Daytona on Wednesday for that race but with all the events that have happened and things need to be taken care of. Kaleb will not be racing The Race Of Champions at Daytona this fall.)
Texplex Round 8 ( 9-25-2020 )
I had already been missing a lot of school so my dad decided we would not
do Friday Practice so I would not miss another day. This meant we had to
leave the house at 3:15 am in order to make to Texplex in time for Saturday
morning practice. My dad had the tough part as he had to drive. I just go in
and went back to sleep.
When we arrived at Texplex it was still dark. We got unloaded and ready for
( Photo Credit Harlen Foley)
After practice we had the riders meeting. It is always cool how Tex Honors
Our Military, Firefighter, EMT’s, Law Enforcement, etc. and then does the
National Anthem and Pledge The Legends. At Round 8 they had something
Special planned……. They honored to Military Veterans that race with the
Outlaw Racing Series with full paid entry for their races in the 2022 season.
It was very cool. Kyle Bedoow and Justin Moore
( Photo Bomb by Hunter Miller )
First up for me was the 1000 12+ Limited class. I had to start all the way on
the outside. I got a good jump in my 2021 Honda Talon but it was not
enough. I was pushed to the outside and had to take the long way around. I
was in 8th place. I knew I was going to have to push and make quick
passes. I got up into 4th and 1-3 were already way out. I was not able to
reel them in.
My second race of the day was the 1000 12+ Stock Class. In this race we
are the third drop. Womens Expert first drop, Womens Amatuer second
drop, then us. I got a great jump and took the holeshot. I pushed as hard to
catch the womens amatuer competitors. I ended up catching them while
still in a group. It made it tough to get by them. I got lucky and was able to
make it happen quick. It was great to get a WIN.
( Photo Credit Harlen Foley)
For my second race in the Limited class I need to get a way better start. I
was lined up right in the middle of the starting line. I set my launch control
and the starter through the flag. I dropped the paddle shifters and launched
forward. I got boxed in within the first three feet. My start was one
competitor better in this race. I was sitting in 7th. This was not what I
needed as Kaden, Jaden and Lane were driving really well. I was able to
get up to the point where I might be able to start to battle with them and the
race was already over. I ended up with 4th overall in the 1000 12+ Limited
( Photo Credit Harlen Foley)
The second race of the 1000 12+ Stock class I was sleeping at the start.
My dad’s words…. I went into the first turn in third place and started to
charge to the front. After I was leading my class I was already into the
Amatuer Womens class. I pushed my way through them without trying to
mess up any of their race.
It was a fun day of racing at Texplex for the Outlaw Racing Series. Time to
load up and get home. Have to unload as soon as we get home and load
up for the last round of the District 20 Motocross Series at Rio Bravo.
Thank You to my Sponsors for making it possible: GOD, Progressive
Powersports, Jsportsxs, PPEI, FOX, Double E Racing, Maxxis Tires,
Method Wheels, Bell Racing, Tagger Designs, Axcel Sport, SSI
Decals, HMF, PCI Radio’s, Sparco, Motive Engineering
Check out www.DeKeyrelRacing.com
Photo Credit ( Harlen Foley )
TexPlex Round 7. ( 8-28-2021 )
Texplex Round 7 really started off the day after round 6.
We got the car all washed up still on the trailer as we had no way to even
get it off. Then we headed to TurnKey Industries to see the Owner Joe
Nepoleon. Joe was kind enough to help us make sure the frame was
straight and help us get things back into shape. Adam at JSportsxs
got to making suspension parts first thing Monday morning so they could
get them out to us. Tuesday morning David and David at Progressive
PowerSports put the order into Honda so we could get those parts coming
also. I called and talked to Aaron at ABF fabrication about the cage and
getting a new one. Everything came together and the last piece of the
puzzle was brake lines from George at Double E Racing. Then getting
it on the Motive Engineering plates to make sure everything was back
straight and true.
We made it. It was race day for Round 7 of the Texas Outlaw Series.
Round 7 was the Max Brill Memorial race and Maxxed Performance was
sponsoring the Vet class for the day. ( Max loved racing and I am sure he
Was looking down enjoying every minute of it )
First up for me was the 12+ 1000 Limited class. I was in third off the start
and started to push to get to the front. By the fourth lap I was in the lead
with lots of pressure from behind. I stayed focused and was able to hold
them off for the win.
( Photo Credit Harlen Foley )
Next up was the 12+ 1000 STK class. I went into turn one in second place.
I was pushing really hard and Jace was staying in front of me. I was
studying his line and where he was strong. We were the third drop for this
race so as we were racing we were also passing through the womens
amature racers. I was coming up on one of them right as we were going to
hit Mount Medilotian. The largest Jump on the track. My dad said the track
is 30 feet wide don’t lift.
( So cool Harlen was able to get this photo )
Then on lap three I saw my break. I made an outside pass to put myself
into first. Jace stayed right with me the rest of the race pushing me the
entire way. It was so much fun.
Next race for me was back to the 12+ 1000 Limited class. I new this race
was going to be tough. There are a lot of good young drivers in it. I am also
running my same STK class Honda Talon in this race so I am down a little
on HP and stability. But no complaining. I am going to push myself for the
win again.
( Photo Credit Harlen Foley)
I was in about third in the first turn and I made a mistake on the exist
causing me to fall back into fifth. I was able to get into 2nd by the end of the
second lap. Kaden was in the lead and pulling away. I pushed as hard as I
could setting my fastest lap of the weekend in this race. Kaden was driving
awesome running really fast laps and I was not able to real him in. I ended
up with a 1-2 score and Kaden with a 2-1. So the overall would go to
Kaden. I drove as hard as I could so I was happy with the second overall
in the 12+ 1000 Limited class.
( Photo Credit Harlen Foley)
Next up was the second to last race of the day. The 12+ 1000 STK class. I
pulled the holeshot and never looked back. I stayed focused on picking the
womens amatuer racers off one at a time. At one point I caught three of
them in a battle themselves so it was a way outside pass to get by and not
mess up their battle either.
( Photo Credit Harlen Foley)
I had an absolute blast at Round 7 of the Texas Outlaw Series. The Max
Brill Memorial Race. None of this would have been possible without my
Sponsors and everyone who helped out: GOD, Progressive Powersports,
Jsportsxs, PPEI, FOX, Double E Racing, Maxxis Tires, Method Wheels,
Bell Racing, Tagger Designs, Axcel Sport, SSI Decals, HMF, PCI
Radio’s, Sparco, Motive Engineering, Turnkey Industries
Check out www.DeKeyrelRacing.com
Texplex Round 6: ( 7-17-2021 )
The weekend started with setting up on Friday and getting ready for
practice. We had a great day of practice and I was running some really
good times.
Photo Credit Harlen Foley
We made a quick video to talk safety gear and promote Axcel Sports and
their suits and gloves. After that everything was prepped and prepared for
Saturday’s races. Then we loaded everything into the orange conex box for
the night. It is awesome that Progressive Power Sports has three of these
their team members can use. We only have an open trailer so we are
thankful to be able to lock everything up at night.
Saturday Morning Started with practice at 7:00 am and then straight into
Pro Qualifying. After Qualifying was complete. Tex and Brian had the riders
Meeting. Brian announced the new name of the series as the Texas Outlaw
My first race up was the 1000 LTD 12 + Class. The Texas Outlaw Series
had decided to use the long start for this race weekend. That is why this
pictures looks different than others in the past. I got a great jump and was
in second place going into the first turn.
(Photo Credit Harlen Foley)
I was able to make the pass into the lead before the end of the first lap.
They kept me honest the entire race. This class has great competition in it.
The limited rules allow Sway Bars, Exhaust, Tunes, Quickeners etc. Just
no internal engine work. This opens it up for a lot more drives. I was able
to take the win in my stock class car so I was feeling really good about
the day.
Up next for me was the 1000 STK 12+ race. I was ready and focused on
trying to get the win………….. I only made it about another 300 feet past
this picture. Another driver hit me in my left rear tire and started to turn me.
I was completely sideways with him pushing on my side when we went
down into a roller. This caused my right side tires to hook and we both
started tumbling. I think I flipped about 5 or 6 times and ended up way off
the track by the water on my side. I was waiting for them to come flip me
back over so I could go. Quinn from Progressive was one of the first guys
there. He asked me if I was ok. I told him to flip me over. He said you car is
done bud…. They had me get out of the car and flipped it back on what
was left of the wheels.
( Photo Credit Harlen Foley)
All of the time that had been put in to make sure the car was safe paid off.
My dad had specced a Great American Short Course Legal cage for ABF
to build which had higher standards than an average aftermarket cage.
Using 120 wall tubing instead of 80 thousands. There were also specific
places where tubes had to go. It was a good thing as the cage still came
in contact with my Bell Helmet and broke it in the crash.
As you can see this ended my day and maybe my season. We will see
if we can get a frame and parts to start a build up again. Not sure how
quickly we will be able to pull it off as for cost and parts availability. I really
want to thank all my sponsors who have helped me get this far and helped
me stay safe in this incident. Sparco seat and steering wheel. All still
intact and did their job. HMF nerf bars. Kept it from crushing in the sides.
ABF cage. It kept me safe and did not completely crush in. Bell Helmets.
The Helmet broke on top and I was completely fine. That’s amazing.
Thank You to all of you that support me and believe in me.
( Photo Credit Harlen Foley )
GOD, Progressive Powersports, Jsportsxs, PPEI, FOX,
Double E Racing, Maxxis Tires, Method Wheels, Bell Racing, Tagger
Designs, Axcel Sport, SSI Decals, HMF, PCI Radio’s, Sparco, ABF,
Motive Engineering Check out www.DeKeyrelRacing.com
Waiting to see what we can pull off. Thank You GOD for this opportunity.